Error Handling

This page will briefly outline how errors should be handled.

Error Handling

Zenlogin follows the JSON:API spec for our API response, including for errors. As such, errors follow the following structure:

  "errors": [
      "code": "3003",
      "detail": "Invalid *application_key* URL param: appl01234567891"

When an error occurs via an API call, we will return an errors array which outlines errors that have occured, along with the code and detail properties for each error object.

When a request error occurs (eg. issues with our server in processing the request), we will return an HTTP status code of 500.

When a processing error occurs (eg. an invalid argument), we will return an HTTP status code of 400.

When a request is successfully processed, we will return an HTTP status code of 200.

Error Codes

The following is a breakdown of all the erorrs you may encounter when making API calls to Zenlogin:

Code Details
1000 API request could not be processed. Please contact support:
1001 Zenlogin is down for maintenance. This request will not be processed.
1002 Your request is too large. For security reasons, we cannot process it. Please contact support:
1003 The *identity_key* value is still using the placeholder value. Please change this to the key for the user logging into your product.
1004 The *identity_email_address* value is still using the placeholder value. Please change this to the email address for the user logging into your product.
1005 The *user_agent* value is still using the placeholder value. Please change this to the User Agent that the user is logging in from.
1006 The *ip_address* value is still using the placeholder value. Please change this to the IP Address that the user is logging in from.
1007 POST argument *identity_email_address* must be a valid email address. The following was passed in: $value
1008 POST argument *identity_metadata* can only be a JSON object. The following was passed in: $value
1009 Invalid *ip_address* POST value: $value
1010 Invalid request path: $value
101 Invalid *req_test* POST value. Can only be the number 0 or 1 (or do not send it along)
1012 Invalid *req_wait* POST value. Can only be the number 0 or 1 (or do not send it along)
1013 Invalid *req_process* POST value. Can only be the number 0 or 1 (or do not send it along)
1014 Invalid *req_force_send* POST value. Can only be the number 0 or 1 (or do not send it along)
1015 Header *X_API_SECRET_KEY* is required
1016 POST argument *identity_email_address* is required
1017 POST argument *identity_key* is required
1018 POST argument *ip_address* is required
1019 POST argument *user_agent* is required
1020 POST argument *ip_address* must be less than (or equal to) 256 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1021 POST argument *user_agent* must be less than (or equal to) 512 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1022 POST argument *identity_key* must be less than (or equal to) 128 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1023 POST argument *identity_email_address* must be less than (or equal to) 256 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1024 POST argument *identity_first_name* must be less than (or equal to) 256 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1025 POST argument *identity_last_name* must be less than (or equal to) 256 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1026 POST argument *identity_full_name* must be less than (or equal to) 256 characters in length (including multibyte characters
1027 POST argument *identity_metadata* must be less than (or equal to) 1024 characters in length (including multibyte characters
2000 The account associated with this application has been frozen. Please contact support:
2001 The account associated with this application is no longer valid. Please contact support:
3000 This application has been disabled. Please log into your Zenlogin account to re-enable it:
3001 While your account is pending approval, email notifications can only be tested for the email address {{owner.emailAddress}}. You are attempting to make a request for the email address: {{identityEmailAddress}}
3002 This application has been frozen. Please contact support:
3003 Invalid *application_key* URL param: $value
3004 This application is no longer valid. Please contact support:
4000 This API credential has been frozen. Please contact support:
4001 This API credential is no longer valid. Please contact support:
4002 Invalid *X_API_SECRET_KEY* Header value: $value